Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ten sticks of DYNAMITE

We landed to a nice warm Cairns, Queensland and everybody was extremely excited to be there after two days of flying. A large group of people took the group flight so we were all semi-acquainted, and if there is one word that was said more than any other, I think it would have to be "rage". We met Steve, Australearn leader for the week, and went straight to the youth hostel Bohemia, where we were assigned rooms and funneled into the narrow hallway. The vibes of a party were already felt. That night we pregamed before dinner, unbeknown to us there was an information session before dinner... least to say, our leaders described us as "Ten sticks of Dynamite" after explaining that the fifty of us were louder then the group of 150 the previous week. This was going to be a good week...

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