Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Our last day in Cairns may have also been the best day. The only night that 98% of us didn't parade downtown was well worth it because the ship set sail around 8 am. We were on our way to the great barrier reef, the largest living organism on earth. On this trip we were given the chance to snorkel and even scuba dive for the adventurous. I did not bring a underwater camera unfortunately, but the things that I saw down there were incredible. Yeah, "Planet Earth" is cool, but seeing it in person and being down there with the reef and fish is something that every one should experience. Oysters were the size of basketballs (some even bigger), fish were colorful and some also quite hefty. Jordan, Keola, Billy, and I were all in a scuba group together, being able to enjoy this with some of my closer friends from the trip was truly a memorable experience. The ride back to shore in the evening was rough, however, beers and goggles at the bow of the ship aided the few who were crazy enough to stay out there and get drenched by oversplash of the Ocean. The day was topped off by a ridiculous and final night in downtown Cairns... followed by an early flight to Sydney.. I wonder what I left at Bohemia

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