Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mondays in the Village

The first Monday at Macquarie was a frantic one. Many are realising (Yes in Australia it is spelled "realising") that they have not packed quite everything needed, myself included. Luckily the Macquarie Center, aka the mall, is a 15 minute walk from the village. This place literally has everything, grocery store, food places, clothing stores, electronic stores, salons, movie theater, even the RTA (DMV) is the in mall! And of course to polish off a long day of shopping, Dave, AKA Mr. New York, takes us to his favorite place to eat, Thai Break, this thai food is off the hook. So what is there to do on a Monday night? Well, since its the first night we decide to go downtown to a little joint called scubar. For some reason this place goes off on Mondays, its pretty small inside but I guess thats why it goes off on Mondays; it doesnt take an excessive amount of people to fill this place up.

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