Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Da Citay

It's a little difficult to rally people to get up and take the train to the city (at least during the day), but once the journey is made it is worth it. I started in Darling Harbour which is one of the cooler places I've been. The whole harbour is surrounded by restaurants that smell amazing, and supposedly have the best seafood in Sydney. Darling Harbour also boasts the largest Imax screen in the world, where a few of us saw Hubble 3D the other night. Definitely see it if you can... its amazing. Bondi beach reminds me of Santa Cruz, it has a small beach town feel to it and a beachfront skatepark covered in graffiti. There is also a beachfront pool, and one of the most scenic cliff walks in Sydney, both of which I will have to come back to do. After walking around with no idea where we were going Jordan and I ended up at Hyde park and Saint Marys Cathedral. I've never been in a cathedral before, but it was actually breathtaking. The ceilings are all so high with arches and artwork everywhere, intricate stained glass windows, and perfect looking scultures. For a smallish price we headed up to the tallest tower in the city to see an amazing panoramic view of the city and ocean. I would not be surprised to see more day trips like this in the future.

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