Sunday, October 17, 2010

Whitehaven beach a.k.a. heaven

Almost a month later, I am finally getting to the best part of my spring break trip... Whitehaven beach is the most pure sand beach in the world. The sand is 98% silica and NASA used 5 tons of it to make the mirrors inside the Hubble telescope! Although our time at Whitehaven was brief, it was well memorable. After a whole morning of overcast skies, rain, and rough water, our boat pulled out of the clouds and an aura of sun shined down on Whitehaven beach. The crystal clear blue water and white sand was not something that people actually go to. It was something you see on a screen saver or a postcard or a Sports Illustrated swimsuit photo shoot, and you say wow that place looks amazing! Well you're right, because it is. The warm water was perfect for lounging in, waist deep for at least 200 feet out, probably farther. The sand was like flour, or like that super soft artificial sand, it was unreal how soft this stuff was. It seemed like it could wash away any impurities. I can't believe how lucky we are to have experienced such an amazing place, if the boat had left me there I would not have minded because I never wanted to leave, none of us did.

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